Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018 - Austrailian Guns, March Madness, Dogs

It was a sweet week! We have had a ton of success in teaching and finding people the last week and we have a ton of people who are getting ready for baptism, we have been working with the ward and the leaders so that they can know the poeple and get working with them after their baptism so that they can stay firme in the church, it has been really busy but really awesome at the same time!It was a great first week with Elder Tanner, we were able to do alot, he is a great guy and we are getting up to go running in the morning because my comp is a runner, so once more I am realizing how out of shape I have gotten here on the mission. Oh well. 
So the people. Carmen has been progressing really well, she is a miracle. She is already obeying all of the commandments, has been to church for a month in a row and is really ready to be baptized and desires to do so, we are super excited for her, so hopefully i a couple of weeks we will have pictures of her baptism! As well in the last lesson we had with her she gave us this weird fruit called membrilla and it is super sour, it does not exiist in the US, thank goodness. As well we have been able to have a ton of progression with a ton of other people. Felipe, our Columbian homie, accepted a baptismal fecha last week and is reading the Book of Mormon to recieve his answer to whether or not it is true, but he is super excited to be baptized ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. This week as well I learned a lesson about the importance of being bold in the work and not accepting the first no. We went and talked to a less active on Saturday and taught him about the Book of Mormon. His sister was there as well and she told us she did not want to listen with us and that she was going to leave. We straight up told her she could not leave. She looked at us shocked a little bit that we told her no, but then she sat down and listened to the rest of what we were going to say and she accepted the invitation to read the Book of Mormon.  Just like the song "What do you Mean" by Justin Bieber, just because you nod your head yes does not mean no, and vice versa apparently. 
So crazy stories of the week! On Friday we met this dude in the street who started to speak to us in English.. with an Austailian accent. He told us he spent 27 years in Austrailia and fought in the Vietnam war, then became an illegal arms dealer and a drug dealer, and then moved to Chile and lost all of his money to the rival gangs and his enemies, so now he lives on the street. The best part was he told us he would look out for us and if anyone does anything wrong to us he will, and I quote, "String them by their toes" Awesome! Of course we have also gone a long time without hearing about a dog story. So, another one bit me on Sunday, no blood, but he left some nasty purple marks on my thigh and it hurt so bad, woohoooo. And to wrap it all up for PDay today we played March Madness with President Gwilliam and a ton of other missionaries, we made our teams and our brackets and played a massive tournament, it was dope, sorry mom once again I forgot to use sunscreen.
The mission is awesome, the people are awsome and I am so grateful I have the opportunity to teach them. The experiences I ahve had and the Spirit I have felt are undeniable, this is the Church of God. Because He loves us, He has given us His Son to suffer, die and ressurect for us, and if we are humble and learn of Him, we will return, together with our families, to His presence.

Elder Tilghman

DyC 63

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